Di, 19.5., 17.00 Uhr
Referent: Jacub Nagy, Slowakei
Link: sfn-kassel.de/live
Live aus Bratislava
Der 15-jährige Schüler Jacub Nagy aus der Slowakei hat einen
Mini-Ballon konstruiert, der in der Stratosphäre einmal die Welt umkreisen
soll. Exklusiv für das SFN berichtet er live von diesem Projekt, für das er bei
den Vernadski-Lesungen ausgezeichnet wurde. Er diskutiert mit den
Zuschauer/innen und beantwortet Fragen. Der Vortrag ist auf Englisch.
is essentially an ultralight electronic probe designed for long stratospheric
balloon missions. These probes have their own subsystems like power, memory,
transmitter, location system and so on. The key is that the whole probe weighs
only around 10g. This allows balloons to accomplish a phenomenon called free
float. Because of the free float, picoballoons can stay in the air for weeks or
even months. If they run on solar power they can send useful meteorological and
scientific data during their whole flight. They can collect data from flights
above oceans, which might be very useful as well. I'm cooperating on this
project with the Slovak Organisation for Space Activities. My previous balloons
flew from Slovakia to Belarus, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran and the Dagestan Republic,
from which the probe was later retrieved.
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